Sunday, October 21, 2012

Week Six Reflection

One unit down, and unit two coming up! Chemistry seems to be an on going process, as for some subjects that continue to start over. Have you ever wondered about the particles of a spoon, or a glass of milk, or even the oxygen we breathe in, or the carbon dioxide we let out? This week we mainly focused on becoming more closely involved with particles of solids, liquids, and gases and how one may change or form into another. As for in unit one where we stayed focused on how particles move around. Solids, liquids, and gases are the three states of matter that some of everything fall a pond. Matter never stops moving, even when things dont seem to be moving they are moving. Solids are the most dense, and have a resistance to flow, along with having particles that move around also known as the little lumps, who have the structure of lattice work that's keeps the particles from falling apart known to us as molecules. Liquids have particles that move a little faster than solids, but one thing you should know is that liquids don't have a shape or form at all except the container it's in. Molecules in a liquid are often lively, a free for all kind of thing, they are no longer in their normal lattice work.
As for gases they are the least sense with particles that move very easily.
Learning these things about solids, liquids, and gases are so interesting. Over the past week we did an experiment with dry ice, who would have ever thought it would be so engaging? Learning that dry ice is giving off a gas, while keeping things cold. By far the best part was seeing the water freeze underneath the ice. Another experiment that I found really intriguing was how we created a thermometer but going step by step to understanding the process of how it works and what we're doing.
This week in Chemistry has been a whole new experience!!!! #ChallengeAccepted #ChemT3am