Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Chemt3am Final Reflections

Chemistry has been a great experience for me, although I struggled through it I feel as though I've learned and grown over the last 8 months. In the beginning I thought this was just another science class that ill be able to just brush off my shoulders, but that wasn't the case not even a little bit. From the beginning until now this process has been about being able to come to an agreement to find answer discovering how one standard leads in to another. I did what I could to the best of my ability, but the learning overall could have been better and even my self motivation to push the learning process. Meaning yes, I enjoy the BYOD but it did not much benefit my learning, blaming no one but myself. I'm more of a student who enjoys getting homework, taking notes on paper, going up to the board, and being more hands on with my learning. Why? Because this process is what helps me to take in everything being thrown at me whether its hard or easy. Having my device put me in the learning environment but took the learning away from me. I've always been known to do my own work, come up with my own answers, and believe that only i was right but this chemistry class has taught me to open up to others opinion. For example: when we are working with our groups, white boarding, doing projects, or lab experiments I struggled but i struggled with my group and they helped me to get a better understanding whether that be breaking it down as we go along or writing it down and teaching it to me. This helps me to get more involved with my group, in the beginning of the school year I would sit on the side line and watch as my group did the work, now I'm on the floor helping them out with what I understood and giving them my thoughts on how i think we should go about creating an equation, or evaluating an experiment, or even finding a slope. #chemt3am Going back, I wouldn't change anything but I would most definitely tell myself that chemistry is a serious class and not to take the class lightly. If I would have asked more questions, took better notes, and reassessed when necessary I believe I would have seen the light at the end of the tunnel sooner than I have just now. Chemistry wasn't just science for me, chemistry was my dedication test dedication towards studying on MY OWN, focusing on MY OWN, and getting help on MY OWN. I've learned how to do all of those and so I say Thank you to my teacher of the year MR.ABUD!!!!!!!!! #chemt3am Part 2 Standard 4 I thought I always knew what a pure substance and a mixture was until now, but from my understanding a pure substance is one of the same kind of atom and a mixture is an atom of two or more kinds. Standard 5 Moles was a fun unit here I learned the how to use the mole/ gram equation you either get moles or grams by themselves. Learning that any and everything has moles and measuring atomic mass and the grams of something it is always possible to find the answer. That being the amount of moles in water, sugar water, iron, or oxygen. Standard 6 I enjoyed this standard, this is where we did the tape, paper, foil, and glass. Showing how electrons repel electrons, protons repel protons, and electrons and protons attract one another. Seeing which has a stronger force, which one moves and/or travels. Standard 7 This standards was the one i loved the most, I struggled with this one the most but this standard is all about being able to balance the beginning and the end. Being able to see and evaluated how the reactant comes to what is the product. Using the BCA chart to see where XS is or the how the ratio has come to 1:1, 1:2, or 3:2. Havinga formula like H20+ NCl and showing what the product is or telling if its a single replacement, double replacement, combustion, or decomposition.