Sunday, September 30, 2012

Week Three Reflection

Ever had a class that your always excited to go to because you know you'll learn something new? This is how I relate to chemistry, it's very complex for me but I enjoy this class because we're always hands on and involved in everything we do. This week in chemistry was solely based on mass, volume, and density and being able to calculate the measurements to create a equation, graph and find slope. Slope being how the matter (mass) is distributed in a certain amount of space (volume) also know as the physical property of matter. Along with being able to express them in different forms such as algebraically or linguistic form.
Oh My, We had our first assessment this week, it through me for a loop while giving me the concept of how the assessment will be from this point on. On the other hand while trying to prepare myself for our first assessment, we learned how to become precise with our numbers (decimals) and accurate with the data we collect. Only to understand that if one piece of our data was inaccurate, it causes all of our information to be thrown off. These are just a few of many more things to come down the rode. Challenge Accepted! #ChemT3am

Week Two Reflection

This week was just as good as the first week, as we continue to get more involved in the knowledge of chemistry. As I continue to rise and get more in dept., with the study of understanding mass and the concept of how it does and does not change. Being able to see how the particles move, change, increase and decrease.
Week two gave us a feel on how the year will be working with models, equations, and measurements.
One thing that really stood out to me is how well me and my group works together, being able to work, laugh and still get everything done in a timely fashion. Week two for the most part brought everything together, and made me comfortable.
Although, in the beginning I wasn't sure this was a class I wanted to take I definitely don't regret anything now.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Week One Reflection

Science has always been my strong subject, it keeps me involved and wanting to learn more. I've taken physics, biology, and now chemistry and thus far chemistry is my favorite, while only having this class for one week. Every student wants that one teacher that stay interacted with them, makes us laugh while taking care of business, and doesn't stand in front of the class taking the entire time. Every teacher wants students who can handle some fun but knows how to get back on board when its time to work. That's what we've got with Mr.Abud, he makes learning fun keeping us engaged, curious, laughing, and putting our brains to work. Every one person has that one person or one friend who says that chemistry is hard or boring or just some kind of negative aspect towards the subject, shying a person of away from the class. As for me, I've heard it all but still decided to take the class, realizing that this class give you clarity and not just on atoms and chemicals one thing I've learned this week. Chemistry is a really hands on subject, that involves a lot of focus and determination, A challenge that I'll accept. This week with Mr.Abud has been about learning to come to an agreement, having our own opinions,and working together as a 7th hour chemistry class.